Make a Plan | Apply to College | Apply for Aid | Planning FAQ
Apply Early for Aid
Get Organized
If you have not already done so, make sure you know the requirements for the government, college and other scholarship aid you will apply for. All schools require you complete the federal government's FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Financial Aid), some require you file a CSS PROFILE (the aid application service of College Scholarship Service, the financial aid division of the College Board), and many will have their own applications or supplemental forms.
Get all the forms and write down all the requirements and deadlines on your college planning calendar. Review it regularly so you don't miss deadlines. Make sure you know your colleges' priority deadlines, i.e. dates by which you will be considered for all available aid. The early bird definitely catches the worm in the world of financial aid. Some government funding (e.g. Pell Grants) is available to all students no matter when they apply, but most aid is limited and often awarded only to those meeting priority deadlines.
Complete the FAFSA
The FAFSA (Free Application for Student Aid) is the cornerstone of all federal and state aid programs. It opens for applications on October 1 and now uses already-filed tax return information, so there's no reason to delay your application. Fill it out, even if you don't think you will qualify. It must be filled out to get the Stafford Loans available to all students. Some private schools are now providing need-based aid to families with higher income levels. Apply early to make sure you have an error-free application to meet deadlines.
- Apply for an FSA ID. Students and parents (and in some cases step-parents) will need their own account with FAFSA. You will need your social security number (you can still file if you don't have one) and each will need their own email. Each FAFSA ID can only be associated with one email account. Students and parents now will have to submit their own FAFSA information using this online ID and account. Get these IDs NOW, as there can be some delays in setting them up.
- Organize your documents. Print out the pre-application worksheets from the FAFSA website. Find out what information you will need, and start getting it together.
- Calculate your Student Aid Index (SAI). Before the FAFSA opens, you can use the Federal Student Aid Estimator to estimate your Student Aid Index (SAI). It's a good idea to know this as soon as possible, as your SAI plays an important role in how much aid you will get. With your estimated SAIbyou can get an idea from schools, counselors or aid offices of what levels of aid you might qualify.
- File your application. The FAFSA system normally opens on October 1. [In 2023 it is delayed until sometime in December due to the changes FAFSA is making to the system.] We recommend you file your FAFSA as soon as it opens. Colleges have moved up their priority or "on-time" financial aid deadlines, so you will possibly miss out on aid if you delay. File online. In addition, some applications are pulled randomly by the colleges for verification (which will indicated on your FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS). This means you will have to submit more information to the colleges, so the earlier you get all these possible issues sorted out, the better off you will be. You are striving for an error-free application by your school's priority deadlines.
- Print your FAFSA Submission Summary (FSS). Once your application has been processed, you will receive an email with your FAFSA Submission Summary, that will show your SAI and provide a summary of the information you submitted.
- Resolve any issues. When you get your SAR, check it over. If you need to make changes, follow the directions on the FAFSA website to make corrections. Do this as soon as possible. Also, remember, you may appeal to a college to consider unusual family circumstances that may qualify you for adjustments to your SAI. If so, call the aid office and follow their instructions for making an appeal in a respectful, organized manner.
Complete the CSS Profile (if required)
This application is made through the College Board website and also opens on October 1. Complete this and any other required forms for the schools you are applying to.
Register with Bright Futures
All Florida students should register with Bright Futures. To be eligible you must register prior to graduation. Registration opens on December 1 each year. These awards require you meet hurdles for standardized tests, GPA in specific academic subjects, and community service hours. Register early and request a transcript analysis so you know what you need to do in the balance of the senior year to qualify. You are expected to know the requirements. Be sure to apply even if all the schools you are considering are outside Florida, since you must do so before graduation. Awards may be claimed up to three years after graduation. If your plans change unexpectedly or if you decide to transfer to a Florida school sometime in your college career, you will want to have this funding available.
Complete and follow up all applications
...including college forms and supplements, and all other national or local scholarships you are applying for. After submitting your applications, check to make sure they were received, and nothing is missing. Be prompt handling any follow up requests, as delays may end up decreasing your aid package. If you are hoping to receive a talent-based scholarship for athletics, music, etc., be proactive about keeping lines of communication open with your contact person and about getting everything promised to you in writing. Also, make sure you know what the terms are for renewing the award from year to year and what will be required of you to keep this scholarship (minimum GPA, weekly hours of participation, training outside the school year, travel, special equipment, etc.)
Make funding plans for each school
Now is the time to decide how you would pay for each school you are applying to. Make sure you know the Cost of Attendance (COA) for the upcoming year, then add to it all your likely expenses that are not included in the school's forecast (like computers, realistic food and entertainment budgets, travel back and forth from school for holidays, etc.) If you already have an aid package from your school, you will know how much you have to fund on your own. Update your family's budget to figure out how much they will be able to provide out of your family's income. Then decide how you will fund the rest, by using student loans, student's part-time job, savings, home equity loan, PLUS loan taken out by parent, etc. Even if you don't have an aid package, try to have a realistic estimate of what you will get and figure out how you will fund the gap. College aid and scholarships rarely cover all of your costs, so start thinking about funding options early, so you will be in a position to evaluate aid offers when they come in.

College Planning:
College Board
Federal Student Aid - Prepare for College
Financial Aid Planning and Tools:
Federal Student Aid - How Aid Works
DRAFT 2024-2025 FAFSA (9/01/2023)
Federal Loan Guidelines
Financial Aid Applications:
FAFSA - Create your FSA ID
Fill out your FAFSA
Florida Bright Futures
Scholarship Search:
College Board
Federal Student Aid
Scholarship Foundation Guides (pdf):
College Priority Deadlines
Stafford Loan Limits
College Budget Worksheet
Tip for Parents and Students
Know all the school requirements...Make a calendar
All Florida students should register with Bright Futures...Must be before graduation...even if you are not planning to go to school in Florida
Get your FSA IDs early.
Complete your FAFSA early to meet school priority deadlines.
Complete the FAFSA even if you think you won't qualify. You will need to do this to qualify for student loans.
Check off that you are interested in ALL AID on your FAFSA...Will not reduce your grants and gives you option for student loans which you don't have to take
Keep copies of all documents you submit
Keep a user name and PIN log